Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Reasons We Buy

Recent research has confirmed that people often do not know why they buy. The psychology behind consumer choices can best be explained by people like Kevin Hogan or Philip Graves. Below is a list of 36 reasons why people might buy your product or service. The list can be a powerful reference source when you are developing your marketing plan.

1. They need what you are selling
2. Recommendation from a friend
3. They like you
4. You are attractive
5. They heard about you or your product from the media
6. They have no clue, but your product fills a deep psychological need
7. They have purchased from you before
8. You are an independent business
9. You support a cause they believe in
10. You have a great reputation
11. Price
12. You have confused or manipulated them (this is not recommended and it will eventually destroy your reputation)
13. You offer a strong guarantee
14. They have sampled your product
15. They are drawn to the smell of your product
16. Your product is unique and they are curious
17. Status
18. You can provide the product or service quickly
19. You are a friend or relative
20. Color
21. Your packaging
22. Convenience
23. Your product has a beautiful design
24. To feel better
25. To solve a problem
26. Great taste
27. Social Proof
28. To resell
29. To save time
30. To look more attractive
31. To relax
32. To relieve pain
33. To make work easier
34. To protect themselves or their family
35. Social Pressure
36. To increase knowledge

I have purposely left off additional reasons customers buy. Put your marketing and sales skills to the test. Let's see if you can add a few more to the list.


  1. Great posts and welcome back. Note that Google reader does not let me add this site to my subsciptions....

    Christian Haller

  2. I think people buy stuff they think it'll make them feel good.

    Thanks for all the compliments!

    JJ Jalopy.
    Life Coaching and Home Business Advice with JJ Jalopy

  3. Hi Mark,

    indeed, I've been listening a lot to Kevin Hogan's Science of Influence Vol 2 TACTICS CD program with my drive to and from SoCal for the Easter Holiday. We often really do NOT know what drives us, why we DID buy.

    When you have an excellent product, leverage all this wonderful persuasion tactics to positively influence people to buy from you.

    great marketing scoops indeed!

    All the best,

    April Braswell

    Dating Expert and Online Dating Coach

  4. I'm waiting to hear more from you about what drives us to purchase. You have keen insight into marketing psychology.

    Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits

  5. Uh, sex? it's a driver right?scarcity?its'the lesser of 2 evils.?
    Excitement?midlife crisis?addiction?

  6. perceived scarcity can trigger sales. also perceived value pricing.

    Don Shepherd
    oregon or bust

  7. I need to review this list more frequently. I think a lot people buy to get a sense of purpose - even if just temporarily.

    Very good reminder.

    All the best,

  8. You.

    Covert Hypnosis by K. Hogan chapter 5?

  9. MARK,


    No, just kidding.Great's a funny thing-I've been out of retail for almost 13 years now but I still use the same skills and service actions in the hospital that I did then.


    JC jc

  10. Hi Mark,

    Like a lot have said can as someone to give you the reason why they brought something and they will give you a logical reason...but the truth of the matter is that none of us has the foggiest idea why we actually performed the action we did in purchasing hence why we start to feel buyers remorse so what we need to be able to do is understand how to attach our product to the core drivers and be able to overcome resistance and reactance and develop ways to eliminate buyers remorse at the unconscious level


    Learn Winning Persuasion
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    the Mind with Persuasion Expert Duane Cunningham!

  11. Number 3 & 4 are a little sad but we should take advantage of it if we can.

    Bob Kaufer
    Z Health For Life

  12. Why they buy?

    Because your product, your service or YOU yourself quench their "thirst", whatever THAT thirst happens to be.

    It can well be one of those 36 reasons in your list.

    John Ho
    Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress)
    Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Vox Blog)

  13. This is a good list to have handy when trying to put together offers. I would highly recommend Mark Joyner's two books- The Irresistible Offer and The Great Formula...

    Seize the Day,

    Sales Eagles Soar Above the Competition!Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners

  14. I didn't know there were so many reasons! Great list that helps us to market and think about what we want to be known for as well.


    The Harwood Center - Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fers, Phobias, and Anxiety
