Thursday, April 9, 2009

The One Minute Pitch

Cold calling is the most difficult way to sell anything. Your potential customer does not know either you or the service or product you are selling. The majority of salespeople do not sell the benefits of their products. Who cares what you have to sell? How can you get your message across to someone who has no idea who you are. I am going to show you how to get your message across using the 'One Minute Pitch'

I've been in retail for over 20 years. I owned a small chain of four video stores and a coffee house in Ohio. For the last eight years,I've have owned 3 ice cream & gelato stores in Colorado . In the last 20 years, our various stores have received an estimated 10,000 phone calls (about 200 per store per year) from telemarketers and unknown sales people. I would guess that I have actually considered buying something from less than ten of these people. That means I have listened to a pitch from only every 1 out of 1,000 cold calling salespeople. (My employees are trained well in the art of phone screening)

Here is how you can dramatically increase your odds of delivering your message. Use the following two sentences that can increases the odds of your pitch being heard by up to
1,000 percent. The sentences are:

'Could I please have exactly one minute of your time because I can (save you, make you) up to (dollar amount) on your (product or service you sell), guaranteed. You can time me."

If there's hesitation, try this third sentence:
"(A person in his industry or acquaintance if you were given a lead) uses this (product or service you sell) and (saves, makes) (amount per time period)".

In my 20 years of experience, I've never heard that pitch. Most cold callers will immediately start talking about their great product or service. Some will ask "How is your day going", which pisses me off. Why would a complete stranger care how my day is going? I've also heard sales people ask to schedule a meeting or ask for 15 minutes of my time. I always say no. My time is too valuable to give 15 minutes to someone I don't know. I will give him one minute to explain how he can benefit me. He just never asks.

Of Course, there are variations to this theme that you can use for your individual needs. For example,you could ask for a longer time period and use the one minute pitch as a concession. The basic point is that you are asking for an acceptable amount of time to get across your point. The pitch works just as well for a personal sales call.

The psychology behind the One Minute Pitch;
  1. The time factor-Most people are very busy and don't have time for a stranger. One minute is a very reasonable amount of time to give to anyone that asks.
  2. The word please-Politeness gets you everywhere.
  3. The word exactly-Let's face it, many people don't trust sales people. People tend to think that when someone asks for one minute, it really means ten. The word exactly helps relieve that concern.
  4. The word because. (One of Kevin Hogan's favorite words) People are more likely to comply with a request when the word because is used.
  5. You are showing the benefits of your pitch to the customer.
  6. You are monetizing the benefits.
  7. The word guaranteed. Guarantees increase the likelihood someone will purchase your product.
  8. The phrase, 'You can time me'. This puts your listener in control of the situation. He is more likely to comply when he is in control.
  9. The use of the third sentence increases your credibility because someone he knows or someone in his industry uses your product. Give him a contact number or email if he asks.
The biggest obstacle to delivering the one minute pitch is talking to the decision maker. Employees usually answer phone calls and it can be challenging getting your message to the decision maker. Also, the content of your pitch is just as important as gaining the one minute of time from your prospect. We will save these two issues for tomorrow's post.

Glacier Ice Cream


  1. In a word, genius.

    I suspect one of the reasons you haven't heard a pitch like it is because most sales people start the exchange with a potential customer expecting to be rejected and / or entirely focused on themselves and what they're selling.

    Great advice, thanks.

    Consumer Behaviour Expert

  2. That is a BRILLIANT cold calling speech and I suspect sadly that many sales people have not used it because they don't have the confidence to explain in one minute what their product COULD do for their prospect!
    Sunny Marie
    Glamour and Glitz

  3. Mark,

    Great post and you are so right about having a well-prepared intro to a sales call.

    Most sales pros would do much better if the prepared a script for the first 30 seconds of every outgoing and incoming sales call.

    Seize the Day,
    Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners
    Have You Covered Your Assets?

  4. Great advice on cold calling and sturucting one's cold calling approach!

    I used a 17-second elevator speech to secure an appoinment with the owner director of the Australian College of Environmental Studies to deliver my Pure Numerology Level 1 there. It works!

    John Ho
    Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress)
    Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Vox Blog)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very useful advice on how to prepare for cold calling Mark.

    It seems to me most salespeople call completely 'blind' and not having considered what really matters to their prospect - like not wating time!

    Here's another one of your posts I'm keeping for inspiration. Thank you.

  7. I hate cold calling but I guess you have to do it when you are in the ice cream business. In fact everything is cold in the ice cream business.

    Bob Kaufer
    Z Health For Life

  8. This is great information that I will return too.

  9. Great post with great ideas and yet I was terrified as I read it...I kept thinking I could never call someone and just ask for a minute of their time and try to sell something. However, I have to say that I tend to sell myself because I enjoy what I do and am happy to talk about it. So that one minute could start there.

    I need my own therapy!


    The Harwood Center – Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fers, Phobias, and Anxiety

  10. Awesome Post Mark!

    And as I was just reading about memes....what did the "One Minute Pitch" conjure up in your mind?? I know the first thing that came to me were those superb books by Ken Blanchard titled "The One Minute"..... and instantly i wanted to read on...

    And thats the key with cold calling is being able to hook the prospect immediately by targeting what 'benefit' they will get from the next one minute...

    Its the old...You don't buy a drill because you want the buy it cause you want the darn hole!!

    Great info again Mark


    Learn Winning Persuasion
    Techniques that Work Like Magic by Tapping Into the Psychology of
    the Mind with Persuasion Expert Duane Cunningham!

  11. This is sooooo great. What a concept!!! I love it. Just one minute of your time.... perfect. Even as I was reading it I was thinking "Ok, you can have one minute but that's it!" But I was already giving in to the minute! Excellent!

    Lisa McLellan, Child Care Expert - Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs

  12. Your guidelines should be posted in the every office that uses cold calls to generate business. One minute is time enough to evaluate the offer as well as time to present a clear case for why it is beneficial to listen to more.

    Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits

  13. i used to do cold calls to sell vinyl siding. probably the most painful job i ever had. i learned the the true meaning of the word rejection. i vowed i would make all my customers come to me and now they do.

    Don Shepherd
    oregon or bust

  14. I couldn't agree more....I was exposed to cold sales calling back in the day. Quite after a week, couldn't force myself to do it.

    Nothing short of crude and rude

    JC jc

  15. Great points about cold calling, speak to THEIR cares and needs in THEIR language in under one minute.

    I would just utter 2 sentences and end with a question. If that DID resonate with what they cared about that quarter, we would talk. SOmetimes just the fact that I spoke in management terms they would engage in a conversation with me.

    God forbid they should stop by and buy a cup of gelato, see and TASTE your business, observe things and THEN engage you in a conversation as a customer...

    Ah well. Well, yes, I'm an excellent sales woman.

    All the best,

    April Braswell

    Online Dating Sites Review, Internet Dating Sites Guide
