Friday, April 10, 2009

The One Minute Pitch Part 2

In the last post we talked about 'The one minute pitch' when cold calling. Cold calling is the most difficult task in sales. You have to have thick skin and a positive attitude to be a successful cold caller. The key to successful cold calling is to convey the major benefit of your product to the right person in a short period of time.

The basic concept behind the one minute pitch is to have your prospect allow you one minute of his time to get your message heard. Most of the time, you have to go through a gatekeeper before you can talk to the decision maker. The gatekeeper can be an employee, personal assistant, or a secretary.

Tips for reaching your prospect through the gatekeeper:
  1. Research who is the decision maker for buying your product. Do a google search. Talk to contacts you have in the industry. Find out as much information as possible about the company. ask for your prospect by name.
  2. Be polite. Make the gatekeeper want to help you.
  3. If you do not know your prospects name, ask the employee, "who is responsible for purchasing your product?" Call back later if you are given contact information. You do not want the employee telling your contact that there is a salesperson on the phone. Salespeople are an annoyance in most people's minds.
  4. If your prospect is not available, call back your prospect early in the day or at a time he would not be expected to be busy. You would not want to call a restaurant owner in the middle of a lunch rush.
  5. Call another time of the day or another day if the employee refuses to give you any information.
  6. If you absolutely cannot reach your target by phone or in person, try to at least get an email or mailing address.
  7. As a last resort, give the major benefit of your 'one minute sales pitch' to the employee and stress that you want only one minute of your prospect's time. Ask to set up a one minute meeting at any time, any place.
Studies have shown that it takes seven contacts before the average sale is made. There is no need to be average. Make the sale on the first couple contacts. Sell your prospect on the major benefit of your product in the first contact. If you don't make the sale initially, try to set up a meeting to give your full sales pitch.

Once you reach the decision maker, it is vital that your message resonates with him or her. Emotionally connect with your prospect. Being enthusiastic will multiply your chances for a successful sale.

Tips for a successful one minute pitch:

  1. Immediately share the main benefit of the product. Let him know how your other clients like him have used it successfully.
  2. Appeal to emotions and back up your pitch with logic.
  3. Time your pitch. When one minute is up, ask if he or she would like for you to continue. This shows credibility. You kept your end of the bargain. Your prospect should let you continue if your pitch is strong.
  4. Make it as easy as possible to switch products or services. If possible, offer a first free shipment or free samples of your product or service.
  5. Set up a subsequent meeting and supply references of satisfied clients with contact information beforehand.
  6. Always ask if it is a good time to talk. The last situation you want to is to catch your prospect in a stressful mood. Reschedule an exact time to call back.
  7. Offer to take him or her to lunch or dinner at a quality restaurant.
  8. Get people to imagine how your product is the best solution to their needs.
  9. Find common ground or beliefs. This is where your prior research can pay off.
  10. Once you make your short pitch, let your prospect talk and listen to his or her needs and concerns. Great salespeople listen much more than they talk.
  11. Guarantee what you are selling.
  12. Offer a free trial period.
  13. Only ask questions that you already know the answer. Each question should lead you toward your goal of a sale or subsequent meeting.
  14. Write down a one minute, five minute, and 15 minute sales pitch beforehand. Write down possible questions and take notes of the conversation for later use.
It is important to tailor your 'one minute pitch' to your product and each individual clients needs. The reality is, if you have a strong marketing campaign, you should rarely have to cold call. The one minute pitch is quite versatile. You can pitch during casual conversations with strangers, at social events, etc. As always, Practice makes perfect.

"There is only one way to get anybody to do anything...And that is by making the other person want to do it." Dale Carnegie


  1. Hi Mark,

    Awesome advice!! I hope you are putting this 'one minute pitch' stuff have a great product there that you can leverage off the 'one minute manager' series!!

    Always remember people only ever remember 'the beginning' and 'the end'

    So you must open strong and finish strong with emotional connection to the values of your prospect!

    Great stuff again Mark


    Learn Winning Persuasion
    Techniques that Work Like Magic by Tapping Into the Psychology of
    the Mind with Persuasion Expert Duane Cunningham!

  2. Duane, you are absolutely right. Emotional connections are huge.

  3. LOVE the Dale Carnegie quote.

    I have been trying and trying to comment at your blog. Hoping that this time it's the charm. :)

    All the best,

    April Braswell

    Online Dating Sites Review, Internet Dating Sites Guide

  4. Knowing how to get past the gatekeeper is powerful information. They are the gatekeeper for a reason.

    Thanks for the great information.

    Bob Kaufer
    Z Health For Life

  5. Hi Mark,

    It must be easy to "cold" call when you are pitching Ice Cream!

    THis is great advice and anyone who sells for a living needs to print this out and read it once a day for a few weeks and apply it.

    Seize the Day,

    Sales Eagles Soar Above the Competition!
    Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners

  6. This is absolutely jam packed with information.

    This is another post I'm bookmarking for future reference.

    I'll check off all of these points next time I draft a call script.

    Keep 'em comin'! You're giving away IMMENSE VALUE in these posts!

    JJ Jalopy
    Life Coaching and Home Business Advice with JJ Jalopy

  7. Awesome posts, these last two especially. The idea of the one minute pitch is one that one can actually use anytime with anything.



  8. Mark,

    Good advice and a useful list of tips to do the job right.

    Kevin Hogan has a list of 7 Magic words for compliance:

    - Because
    - NOW
    - Imagine
    - Please
    - Thank You
    - Person’s Name
    - Self-Control words e.g. You’re in charge/in

  9. Mark, Repeat over and sure you are dealing with the person who has the ability to buy...I lost a million dollar sale that way once.(but went back and closed it a few months later)....and screwed it up again just last week! I had made an appt with the decision maker but got handed off to her assistant when I got there.
    It is usually a waste of breathe to deal with who don't have the authority to buy...they are there to brush you off!
    Glamour and Glitz

  10. I really like your pragmatic approach and your no-nonsense marketing advice.

    Brilliant read for any small business owner.

    All the best,

  11. Great information that I can use to make my one minute speech.

    Lynn Lane

  12. The next time a salesperson aproaches me with a sub-par pitch i'm gonna send them to your blog and tell them to get educated before they talk to me.

    Don Shepherd
    oregon or bust

  13. I love this whole concept. Great tips and information. The Dale Carnegie quote at the end is perfect. Love your stuff!

  14. Hi Mark,

    indeed, I'm with Sunny on this one. we are wasting our breath 99% of the time to be selling the OTHERS and not the decision makers. Sometimes we must pre-sell a gatekeeper or chaperone in some manner. However, the more we have seduced the Decision Maker (DM), the better.

    Can you imagine pitching the brother of the girl you want to marry and yet never speaking to her?


    All the best,

    April Braswell
    Dating Expert and Relationship Coach
    Online Dating Sites Review, Internet Dating Sites Guide

  15. Great advice about getting to the decision-maker. Those early AM and late PM calls can sometimes get you right through - so can the lunchtime calls. Befriending the gatekeeper helps too.

