Monday, April 20, 2009

Give and You Shall Receive

Everyone in business receives requests for donations, especially in this economic climate. But I challenge you to look at requests for donations in a different way.

What if you could actually help organizations and build your business at the same time? It’d be the classic win-win situation. Well, it is possible. It is a regular part of our business at Glacier Homemade Ice Cream & Gelato.

Not only do we have the best ice cream in the world, but we are a local business that gives to our community. We are asked to donate to various organizations an average of five times a week. Obviously, we cannot accommodate all of the requests. We have, however, instituted a system that is workable and fair.

Here are our donation guidelines:

• We only donate to children’s organizations and University of Colorado groups (one of our stores is next to the university).
• We donate (4) $5 gift cards for silent auctions.
• We donate free kid’s coupons for school non-profit events.
• All requests have to go through our website. No phone calls, letters, or dropped-off information.
• We will sometimes donate ice cream to events at the beginning of the school year and at the start of the spring season.
• We refuse all donations that don’t fit our guidelines with a personal and polite explanation.
• We donate free coloring books to schools. The coloring books feature our Glacier Bear doing activities at different glaciers around the world.

It is important to give back to the community that supports you. Not only will people appreciate it, but they will stay loyal to your business as long as you also continue to provide quality products.

There can be business benefits to your charitable donations as well. Below are the business benefits for the Glacier Homemade Ice Cream & Gelato donation program:

• Donations are a tax deduction.
• People form an emotional attachment with your company when they see you giving to the community.
• The organizations we donate to usually put Glacier’s name in print and mention us in advertisements. We benefit from free advertising.
• The coloring books we donate create awareness of the Glacier brand.
• When donation recipients pass out coupons for us, it becomes a great low cost marketing strategy.
• Children come in with their families to redeem their free ice cream coupon.
• Our coupons and gift cards expose new customers to our stores and our brand.
• The busy company president does not have to deal with constant phone calls and mailed letters. Our policies are clear and our employees know our guidelines and communicate them to donation solicitors.

A clear and generous donation program is a fantastic way to distinguish your company from your competition. Implement one, and you will discover the immense benefits of combining charitable donations with creative marketing.


  1. Not only do you explain the benefits of charitable giving, but you also give us a clear plan to manage the process.


    JJ Jalopy.
    Life Coaching and Home Business Advice with JJ Jalopy

  2. Mark,

    This is an awesome and comprehensive plan. You spent the time to figure this out, and that allows you to handle the requests in a consistent efficient way, and allows this to be delegated to everyone involved.

    All you have to do is deal with the special cases, and occasionally to revisit and modify the "rules".


    Seize the Day,

    Sales Eagles Soar Above the Competition!Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners

  3. This is a very clear plan to create a donation program. Very well thought out and extremely useful. Thank you!

    All the best,

  4. If you are going to donate, you also have to have a low key way of advertising this fact in order to reap the benefit of being a local community oriented company. Sponsoring a little league team costs nothing and gets you a lot closer than a cash donation - even BR and CLDSTN give away cash.

    Christian Haller
    The Art of Good Eating Easy Italian Recipes

  5. Great plan. I volunteer quite a bit but hope as my income increases to start a foundation with a psychologist friend of mine who works with children in third world countries.

    Kind Regards,


  6. I'm not to proud to say i have eaten in more than one soup line. food donation has been one of my priorities. one of my ways to donate is barter. I shoe horses for a local butcher. instead of payment he donates meat thru his church to a local food bank.

    Don Shepherd
    Central Oregon Expert

  7. All requests must be made over the website....

    unless you are a single woman, age range 35-45, attractive... then you MUST approach the owner of the store and be willing to sit down over a cup of ice cream and discuss your passion for the charity...

    that's my first answer to the question you asked me in my blog. ;)

    Seriously, are you single? if yes, email me at AprilJBraswell (at) your questions or DM within VOX and tell me a little about it.

    Best regards,

    April Braswell

    Dating Expert and Online Dating Coach

  8. Mark,

    That is a great looking program to go by.

    With great benefits.

    Lynn Lane

  9. This is so great. You have guidelines to follow and a fabulous written program. I will look into donating in my town. I thought of it once before but then forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

    Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Classes - Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs

  10. Thinking in terms of abundance and sharing is a great way to build relationships and a business.

    Bob Kaufer
    Z Health For Life

  11. My guess is that your employees love working for you, and that your turn over rate is low-high marks in the retail world.

    Great post!
    JC JC

  12. April, I like your suggestion. I will have to think about implementing it. Mark

  13. Mark, Your donation guidelines are very clear and generous. They not only match your business personna; they keep your image firmly in front of your potential customers. You've done a great job of targeting.

    Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits

  14. This is a great idea - you really do have some well thought out ideas on business.

    I wish your site worked with my Google Reader!! I keep missing out on your posts, I'm really sorry.

    I'll put a post it note on my screen to remind to come here.

    Philip Graves
    Consumer Behaviour Expertauthor of "The Secret of Selling: How to Sell to Your Customer's Unconscious Mind"

  15. I'm with you 100% on this one Mark! My company, Sutopia, is well known in the community and it is mostly due to sponsorships and donations (such as free sessions).
    Sue Crutcher, Life Empowerment Mentor

  16. It is win-win. Great program and you can also feel good about what you are doing at the end of the day.

    Jen B
    The Harwood Center - Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fers, Phobias, and Anxiety

  17. Mark,

    This is a great post on how it's beneficial to donate and give back to your community. The business advantages are a positive too.

    Thanks for the great post on how to contribute to your community.

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  18. What a great way to donate and promote at the same time. I do a little of that,too, and you feel a lot better than just "writing a check".
