Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fusion Marketing

We small-business owners are usually hard working, independent people. Unfortunately, that mindset often prevents us from asking for, as the Beatles said, "a little help from our friends.”

One of the most powerful small business marketing techniques is called ‘Fusion Marketing’. Fusion marketing is cooperative marketing with non-competing businesses that share similar types of customers. Each business markets its products or services with its partners.

For example, Glacier Ice Cream in Boulder, Colorado has made fusion marketing arrangements with two local pizza shops. Glacier sells wholesale pints of ice cream to Sun Deli and Skinny Jays. The pizza restaurants put Glacier coupons on pizza boxes. In return, Sun Deli and Skinny Jays display their menus in Glacier’s stores.

Write down a list of businesses that have the same type of customers as your business. Brainstorm ideas on how your businesses can work together to attract each other’s customers. Some businesses are natural fits to work with each other. Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Business coaches- Marketers, bankers, accountants, bookkeepers, and advertisers.
  • Caterers- Photographers, florists, musicians, and event centers.
  • Real estate agents- Builders, bankers, handymen, painters, plumbers, and mortgage brokers.
  • Personal trainers-Message therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, yoga instructors, and martial arts studios.
  • Furniture stores-Real estate agents, builders, movers, and carpet stores.

The idea behind fusion marketing is for independent business owners to work together to help each other out with marketing and referrals. You can take it a step further and hold regular meetings to discuss new ideas and co-marketing opportunities. Join your local chamber of commerce to network with fellow local business owners. Make the synergy of local businesses working together a powerful force in your community.


  1. Thanks for bringing this comcept back to me. It is powerful if done right.

    Bob Kaufer
    Sign Up for My Free Neuro Performance E Course Here

  2. This is something we can all capitalize on and should be.

    Thanks for the Success Tips Today Lynn Lane
    Success Strategies For Life
    Success Today

  3. This is a GREAT idea.and I too think Fusion Marketing is a good name for it.

  4. Such an excellent example of interdependence in the business sense. People are often so paranoid about doing such things. It is also a great way to build community. I am putting together a non-profit with some people in our community and have noticed that some people are so willing to help and others fear we might scoop up (pun intended) their grant money even though we do something different. Today for example we are putting on a bicycle program for the YMCA kid's club. They see how we can benefit one another.

    Achieve the Inner Balance of a Zen Monk

  5. As always, you're over-flowing with great tips. I've just started to explore this avenue myself.

    Philip Graves
    Consumer Behaviour Researchauthor of "The Secret of Selling: How to Sell to Your Customer's Unconscious Mind"

  6. You've introduced me to a lot of interesting ideas, Mark.

    Fusion marketing is a fantastic term.

    Good stuff.

    JJ Jalopy.
    Lifecoach expertHow to become a coach with JJ Jalopy

  7. Simple! Powerful! and Successful!!


  8. Thank you. Very helpful ideas on joint ventures. The Fusion Marketing term gives this a really cool twist.

    All the best,
    How to Get Organized, Stop Procrastinating, and Set Goals for Small Business Success

  9. Excellent idea, far reaching potential, those positive feelings go beyond just the business at hand.


    JCJCButterfly Marketing

  10. Right on the money (pardon the pun)it's something i have been doing for years.

    Don Shepherd

    Fishing Central Oregon

  11. It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!
